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Daughters of Dusk 1 Page 5

  Mary furrowed her brow at the question. He had of course explained what video games were to them by now, but the concept of being able to help him with them wasn’t something she thought was possible. After all, she didn’t know the mechanics of it, but she looked to the television anyways. On it, there were a set of soldiers, so their names wouldn’t be sectoids, a large brick building with the outlines of three non-human figures. They likely were the enemy and were indeed behind a wall which would give them cover. Another was behind a truck, and one of the soldiers was on top of a building. He was likely the sniper.

  She then glanced back at the soldiers, taking in the pistols at their belts, the assault rifles with two of them, and the heavy machine gun with one. It also looked like some sort of tube was on his back. In a scenario like this, it only made sense for an RPG to come from that. In fact, a military force like this likely had explosives, and she spoke fast as a plan formed, just as she was supposed to. “Four enemies, entrenched. Suggested plan is to get everyone ready, destroy the cover, fire before they can move.”

  And Peter smiled at her as he began to click away at his controller, passing the turn and wincing as one of his guys got hit by a green energy blast. When it was his turn though, he said, “I was thinking just that,” before letting a rocket loose, killing two of the enemies with the blast, and exposing the one more. The other three members cleaned up from there. “You all actually stopped me from playing more of this when you all came in, but I think that’s for the best. After all, it seems right up all yours’s alleys, and I’m still fairly early on in this playhthrough.”

  Mary blinked a few times, surprised to see as it did indeed play out like one of their simulations. This wasn’t training though… Right? Was he trying to test her? See what skills she had? Did he doubt their capabilities? That could explain why he was so nonchalant with them. If Wren found out about that, she would likely set out to change that perception, but then everything would likely change. They would go back to being weapons, and-

  “After all, if I’m going to get you all to play games with me, I may as well start with something you all will understand. Otherwise I’d have you guys play some Heroes of Might and Magic, but I doubt you’d get commanding succubi and treants as much as soldiers. I love these strategy games though, so I really hope you’ll all play them with me.”

  Mary paused for a moment, glancing at X, who looked at her blankly, before she looked back to Peter. “So… You just mean to play them as games, right? Because this felt like a…” She bit into her lip, but a green haze brought her previous thoughts back to her, and she curled her hands into fists as she asked, “You aren’t testing us, right? You just want to hang out and be friends?”

  Peter’s eyes widened as he heard the question, before he chuckled a little and leaned back, “Well, yeah. You’re all living with me, so why wouldn’t I? Honestly, I’d want to be friends with you all anyways, though,” he said with a slight blush, “that’s for more than my normal reasons though.”

  “Like what?” Mary said the words as she got up and moved closer to Peter, her eyes on him like a hawk. She had been trained to tell if someone told a lie, so that the news she reported wasn’t false, and she wouldn’t miss a tell. She couldn’t afford to right now.

  None of them came though as Peter, who bit his cheek first, talked. “Well, um, you’re all pretty. Those suits are… Wow. I really hope you all like the idea of cosplaying, because they make me think of a half a dozen ideas. But… I guess the fact that you all are so different is cool too. You make me think of anime characters, and as a nerd I love that. Besides,” he said with a pause and then a smile, “I guess I’ve always liked to help people, so if me being my weird, friendly self can make you all happy, then I see no reason why I shouldn’t put up with weird things like Wren’s threats, or Ovelia’s… Everything. I suspect I’ll get a chance to tackle that pretty soon though.”

  Mary was quiet for a few moments, before turning her head back towards the television. She had gotten the information she sought, even if parts of it concerned her. After all, what would he think when he finally saw one of them kill someone? It was going to happen after all. Pretty soon even from the intel she had been gathering, but for now, “I was hoping you could show me how to work the DVD player, please. I want to be able to watch more movies.”

  And Peter just smiled at her like he would anyone and said, “Alright, but let me finish this mission first,” which was something Mary was fine with doing as she simply watched him, just like X had been doing all morning.


  Ovelia took a long, slow breath in as she stood before the door to Peter’s room. She was annoyingly nervous, but from what Mary had told her, the words, ‘no plan survives contact with the enemy,’ had proven true with Peter. Not that she had never been warned about this. Even her trainers warned her that each person would be different, but her default attitudes were supposed to give her time to figure out such differences. To make her appealing, instead of whatever Peter thought of her.

  She would fix that tonight. Her body was smaller than the other girls, but she was by no means infantile. She was slender, smooth, with not a single blemish on her skin, most due to procedures to remove any… mistakes. Her breasts had actually been reduced to make them perfectly sized to the average size of a man’s hand, instead of the slightly too large they had been at one point. Years of training and injections made her ass tight and round, but with just enough give that it would bounce and jiggle a little with each step or touch.

  All of this didn’t touch on her insides. Normally, a girl who’d had all the experience she had had, especially with how rough those experiences were, would be loose, sloppy, and while skilled, she wouldn’t give the same sensation as a virgin. Such things were not a problem for Ovelia. Even the more… Forced lessons early on, when she wasn’t even a woman yet, in fact long before than, were under drugs that made sure she was tight to train the muscles while she wasn’t ready for the strain of the final experiments put on her. Now though she always had full control of such things so that even if a man questioned her, they would ignore it for the pleasure she could provide.

  To top it all off, she was dressed for the occasion. Or, well, undressed. Normally she would have worn something akin to her suit for a night like tonight. It was something that showed off everything, while technically showing a touch of modesty. It veiled just enough to tempt more than her naked body could. However, Peter had seen her in that too much for it to work, and she had no alternatives. As such, she didn’t wear anything, Her body was bathed in the dark, only able to be made out by how pale she was, and even then you had to really look. The only part of her even possibly hidden were her nipples, as she had made it so that her hair hung over her breasts. It was the best she had, but she knew such a look worked well in the facility and there was no reason it should fail here. Not when Peter was still a young man, and one who had been having trouble taking his eyes off of them before now.

  Besides, she wanted full control over him before tomorrow.

  She made sure to open the door before turning the door knob fully, ensuring that the lip would slide and click over the frame. She could have entered silently, and her footsteps being able to be heard was on purpose too, as she still needed to seem like a nervous intruder. A young girl whose heart was to be given away. Earlier reconnaissance of the room helped in this, as she strode forward confidently, before swaying her hips to let her ass harmlessly bounce against a table that was against the wall. The sound of games falling off of their stack, and the table squeaking from the strain, made her smile for a moment. Everything was going just as she had planned.

  Click .

  Peter squinted in the light, letting out a muffled curse from the lamp at the head of the bed. It was three hours after he had gone to bed after all, and Ovelia had known he would be delirious in this state. That would make all of this easier as she strode forward. Her arms came up though, keeping up the illusion of he
r innocence by slipping over her chest. Or, well, one of her breasts. The other instead knocked some of her hair out of the way, letting her hard, pink nipple show in the light as her pale skin shone in the light. With a push from her forearm, she lifted her assets up, gave Peter a nervous smile, and whispered, “S-Sorry, Peter. I was having nightmares though of that awful, awful place and was hoping that, well, maybe I could sleep with you.”

  Peter blinked a few times, staring at her as his eyes widened, before he grinned and snapped back, “Well, Miss Bond, I thought Christmas only came once a year.”

  Ovelia paused for a moment as she considered what obviously felt like one of his references, before pushing it aside and walking closer towards him. She didn’t sway her hips too much though. Just a little more than a normal girl might to accentuate her slender hips and the slight shake of her ass. Anymore and it might tip him off. She even managed a blush as she turned away, whispering back, “Oh, Peter, don’t say such things. They’ll make me think of things I shouldn’t. Of you and I…” She bit into her lip as one of her hands came up and squeezed her breast, perfectly showing him what he would get to do soon.

  His response was not right though. Not as he groaned and fell back in bed. “Of course. Of course she doesn’t know James Bond!” He then looked at her and plainly said, “I just called you a spy, Miss Ovelia.”

  Ovelia’s blood ran cold at the statement. Spy? How did he know? Who had sabotaged her? He wasn’t given any records on them, and the statements that the agents had planned wouldn’t have hinted at it. It did fit with how he had treated her after the first day, but that would have to mean he had known since then. Did he have this response planned since then?

  None of this showed on her though. Instead, she twisted the words, just as her training told her to. She even hung her head down and brought tears to her eyes to help sell it as she said, “I… I once was. They wanted me to be one at least, but I always just wanted to be a normal girl. A princess with her knight. A princess with,” she paused for effect, getting choked up as she looked at him with a set of tears falling down her face, “you.”

  “Yeah, no. I don’t buy it.”

  Ovelia didn’t even flinch, even as every part of her began to scream.

  Peter didn’t act hostile or anything as he yawned and patted the space next to him on the bed. “Not that I don’t like you. Or, I guess, I don’t know. See, I buy the others. I buy that X is shy and quiet. That Wren is loud and mean. That Mary is… Well that Mary is honestly what you’re trying to sell me possibly. However,” he said with a small smile, “I’ve played too many games, and seen too many critiques of media that yell and complain about the ‘three day romances’ in things, and you fell for me day one. I may not think about your girl’s pasts much, but… But even I know that that’s off after everything you’ve been through.”

  Ovelia stepped to the end of the bed, standing before Peter. She no longer was hiding herself. There wasn’t much of a point, not with how calm he was acting. He… He was supposed to be an idiot. A fool, just like Wren thought he was, but this… This was strategy. This was a level of thought he hadn’t shown before now. That he didn’t seem capable of. Could outside media really do this, or was he something more?

  He then yawned and scratched the back of his head. “Though, if I’m honest, if you want to do this, I’m not about to say no. I like sex after all, and I don’t really-”

  Ovelia stepped forward, and Peter scrambled back as he held up a hand. “Whoa! No! Okay, I, uh, I put that the wrong way! I… I don’t mean that…” He then flailed his arms at her, gesturing to every piece of her, “this wants to fuck me. After all, I’m totally okay with fucking a friend, or even a stranger, but I want that to be them. Not… This. Not whatever is driving you, or whoever you want to call this, to want to fuck me.”

  Ovelia paused and leaned back, cursing at herself for acting so eager. She had never left the facility though. Never gotten a chance to truly put her skills to the test. This… This still should have been working though, but she still kept her face sad as she brought a hand up and over her heart. “Peter, that hurts. This is me.”

  Peter was silent for almost a full minute, fidgeting a little as he seemed to not know what to say. Ovelia was tempted to pressure him, to crawl over him and to stroke him in the crotch. Yes, her training said that a physical show would pacify most men, but…

  Peter, as it kept turning out, wasn’t most men. At least, not most that she had been taught to expect.

  When he finally spoke though, it shook her. “I think the best way I can put it is that it’s the difference between when I talk to someone in person, and when they talk to me online. Online, they sound perfect. They make every gesture they should for the character they’re playing, and they show only their best side. They show you everything you want to see, and no matter how hard they try to include their flaws, it’s just not the same as when they’re in person. With you… well, it’s like I’m still talking to that online person, and if I’m going to sleep with you, I want it to be the person behind whatever all of this is, okay?”

  Ovelia was quiet for almost as long as Peter was as she took in the words before remembering Mary’s briefing. That he liked all of them still. That he still wanted to be their friends. A friend. She supposed her teammates were that, but… She looked down at him slowly and whispered, “Do you hate me then?”

  He shook his head and smiled at her. “No, Ovelia, and if you want to go grab your suit, and let me get dressed, I’d be happy to just curl up with you. Don’t expect any special treatment for it though!”

  Ovelia stepped back from the statement, almost as if she were assaulted. A man just laying beside her? No, that hadn’t been allowed since she was eight. She was wasting a chance to learn, train, and seduce then. He… He couldn’t be serious, right? “Really?”


  Ovelia glanced away, her body now beginning to shake as her control began to slip. This was… Terrifying. It was something else though. Something that made her heart race and her body shiver. A feeling that made her ask, “And if I ever want to do this as me?”

  “Then I’d be happy to sleep with you, but again, don’t expect brownie points from me. Sex isn’t what matters with a girl to me.”

  She smiled slightly at him, not even realizing as she did so, before letting a small chuckle out and saying, “So that’s why you don’t care about all of us walking around naked all day?”

  Peter threw up his arms and shouted, “Are you kidding me!? Half the times I have to go to the bathroom is to deal with that! Even right now, my dick is telling me I’m insane for what I’m doing!”

  “Does that mean you change your mind?”


  Ovelia nodded, having now expected nothing less and turning away from him. “Then go back to sleep. I’ll take you up on your offer another night.”

  Peter chuckled a little as he slumped back in his bed and sighed out, “Good night then.”

  And Ovelia smiled too as she headed out, closed the door, and felt her legs turn into jello underneath her as she shambled back to her room, feeling oddly successful for such a failed mission.


  Peter leaned back with a gentle sigh as he pulled up to a gas station. The drive had been mostly quiet, minus the radio and his commentary on the city, but he considered that a bit of a win. After all, he had taken them out today to let them figure out where they might want to go in the future and, admittedly, for him to gush about the city that he’d spent twenty-four years in. Now they were close to home, and he smiled at them as he held up his debit card. “So, who wants to go in and pay for the gas?”

  Ovelia cocked an eyebrow at the statement, before she smiled a little. “I had already planned on asking to come in with you, so I shall go. I will be getting something of my own then though, rather than stealing it.”

  Peter frowned for a moment, before wagging a finger at her and putting on an old man voice. “Ah, ye you
ng whippersnappers and thinking you can’t ask for anythang. Your good old grandpa Peter is always willing to get you a soda or something.”

  “Yeah, but I need condoms.”

  And then Ovelia just left the car. Just walked out like she didn’t need to explain that, even as Peter stuttered and contorted his face, his mind desperately trying to figure out what she could have meant. Fortunately for him, Wren picked up that slack… Sorta. “Don’t worry, they’re not for you. None of us will be needing birth control for at least another five years, but she wants it for part of tonight.”

  Peter was silent for a few moments before violently shaking his head and performing a system restart. “You girls have plans for tonight? Because if so, why didn’t you let me know? I like to get out and hit the club sometimes. You know, get crunk, try that hip hop, um… Play Spin the Bottle?”

  Mary spoke up at that, letting out a small giggle as she said, “Okay, even I can tell you don’t go partying very often.”

  Peter looked back at them, sticking his tongue out before saying, “And how do you girls know how to party?”

  Wren snapped back, “Parties are a good place to kill someone and not be noticed. Besides,” she said with a sharp breath in, and a slight shake as she let it out, “we’ve told you more than we need to about tonight. Just shut up and drive.”

  Peter paused, knowing he should have hopped out already to pump the gas, but decided to try one more question as his curiosity was getting the better of him. “And if I ask more questions?”

  “Do you want to lose an arm?”

  “Don’t you mean break it?”


  Peter nodded, hummed to himself a few times, before saying, “Okay,” and hopping out of the car himself to pump the gas. Fortunately, he had already told them he wanted only twenty bucks, and he didn’t mind the moment by himself, even when Ovelia ignored him to head into the car. In fact, he was kind of happy about that. Since last night she had been seeming to ignore him more and giving him his distance which was good. Maybe? He was going to pretend it was.